2 min read

A Serious Discussion About the Future of World-Weary

So, this is something I've been weighing in the back of my mind for a while now, and recent events have made it clear that it now needs to be said out loud.

I'm considering moving World-Weary back to Substack.

I know, I know; I left for a reason, and I still think my reasons for doing so are sound in terms of my principles and values. But I'm at the point where I have to admit that I'm drowning in the way things currently are.

Ghost is a wonderful platform for writers like me, but it does not have a very strong reach for building an audience. And perhaps in the future that might change, we're hearing about their efforts to build a connected Fediverse that might help improve that.

But as it stands, I'm kind of shouting into a void here. I wouldn't mind that, except Ghost is unfortunately quite expensive. It's doubly expensive for me as a Canadian, being charged in American dollars for the privilege of hosting my site here.

With a steady income, I wouldn't mind that. I could eat the cost and happily keep building slowly over years and years, that would be fine for me.

But I do not have that steady income. And the amount of work I'm doing to try and keep things growing here is vastly outweighing the amount of money I'm pulling in.

And yes, I hate our unregulated capitalist system and how it prioritizes money over integrity and compassion, but the fact remains: I live in a capitalist country with a sinking economy, one that is currently under threat from a hostile neighbour on our border who is coming for our money, and I am only one human being.

I need to eat. And I need to start saving money as much as I possibly can. I don't want to stop writing, so I need to figure something else out.

I had grand plans for World-Weary which I've talked about before, but getting those plans off the ground is difficult with the thousand other things I'm having to do just to keep my head above water.

Unfortunately, I think it might be time for me to simplify and dumb things down just for my own sanity, and for the sake of keeping my lungs full of air.

But, before I do anything, I want to hear from you all. Would you hate me for jumping back? Am I crazy for considering this move? Would I be cancelled?

Let me have it, folks. I've spoken to the people in my real-life circle and heard their feedback, and now I want yours.

You're the reason I do this. So, please. Tell me what you think.