It sure is a great day to do absolutely nothing!
Today is the day of boycotts and economic shutdowns. All across the United States and Canada, millions—even tens of millions—of people are leaving shopping carts empty and refusing to buy anything from major retailers and chains.
In a grassroots protest against Trump’s upcoming tariffs, his anti-DEI policies, his corrupt actions in office and his threats toward once-beloved allies of the United States, people have determined that the best way to push back is to punch his billionaire buddies in the wallet.
That’s where you aim if you want to cause a greedy bastard pain, by the way.
My family here in Canada is taking part; we’ve postponed our shopping, we moved our weekly take-out dinner to a different day, and we’re not leaving the house or doing anything that requires spending money.
We’re working from home and relaxing with the dog.
If you want to take part in the international boycott against American aggression, it’s fairly simple: stay home. Don’t buy anything. Be lazy. Paint your nails with polish you already own, if that’s your thing. Chill out and watch some TV!
Or, if you’re feeling spicy and you have some time to kill, why not take some time to send some emails and make some calls?
Call customer support at those major retailers and let them know you’re taking part in the boycott. Call or email your elected representatives to make your opinions clear. Share news about the boycott and your reasons for taking part on your social media pages—as long as you don’t need to spend money on it, it’s fair game.
Make some noise. Be loud and obnoxious.
If you absolutely must make a purchase, try to avoid major chains and stick to local small businesses. Use cash if you can instead of making use of debit cards and credit.
This is a great example of a small act of resistance that we can all take part in today.
Activism isn’t always about the big, grand gestures and marching in the street; being choosy about how you spend your money is a great way to show support for a given cause.
Anyway, I just wanted to give a little nudge to anyone who might not have heard that this was going on. I’m going to go get a cup of tea, put my feet up and do some reading.
It sure is a great day to buck the system.
Solidarity wins.
Absolutely is a great day for nothing much here in Illinois.
But I am quitting Amazon today.
Had unsubscribed to the Washington Post last year.
Have been telling all my friends the boycott since I first heard of it.
Robert Reich also suggested staying off META media.
So, no. No FB today, either.
I could do this for a week or month, easily!!! To include Amazon, Jeff!!