I am afraid it will only get much worse. Their actions are an excellent example of what is wrong with this world. Welcome to the "Me, me, me" generation.

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It is not just me, me me,- it is he, he he :(

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I would really like to scream about it, but I am an old woman with a minimal income (social security -which may very well go away) My screams would go unheard and ignored. I sincerely hope that people who have a chance of being heard will scsream and scream LOUDLY!

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Thank you! Yes, everyone should be screaming about it because it has to start somewhere, but then where will it end? All of those who do not qualify for the WEALTHY and IMPORTANT will be left out and struggling. I have already been punished by being born to a family who did not want me. My Mother told me I ruined her life by being born. I lost a scholarship because I was female, even though I was MUCH more qualified in every other category. I lost a very good job because I was female, and was actually told to marry a man that I had hired and trained because they knew that I could do the job for him if necessary. I am FED UP with being treated like crap just because I am female! Yes, we should be screaming! We should be screaming LOUDLY!

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Eugenics in action and without any attempt to hide it either. This is utterly disgusting. How long before this fascist government orders the construction of interment camps and starts to round up anyone they consider to have 'bad genes'.

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I feel sick.

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Yeah...that's a fair feeling to have.

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And this is just the beginning.

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Thank you Sam! I appreciate being heard. !

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